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Comedy Carp landed in Frome


Comedy Carp - Up and Coming Stand Up Comedy from around the U.K.

DATES: Last Wednesday of each month, starting 28th February 2024, The Cornerhouse, Frome, Somerset

Wiltshire, February 6th 2024- Comedy Carp, spawned out of a spelling mistake labelling a folder of comedy crap, has grown slowly at the bottom of the tank that is the mind of comedian Rob Speight.

Feeding it diligently everyday, providing stimulus including a treasure chest and a diver that exhales real bubbles, Comedy Carp has grown into a fully fledged fish that not only has a cheeky grin, is tasty when grilled, but also comes with a beautiful sauce containing some of the U.K’s best up and coming standup talent.

With a different lineup everyday, Comedy Carp presents comedians who have been plying their trade up and down the country. Now as they all swim downstream to the cidery waters of Somerset, many will just perform but some will inevitably feel the inexplicable desire to mate. *

A different flock of fish will perform for your tastebuds every month.

*(No mating will be performed during the performances)

FURTHER INFORMATION - Please contact us via our Instagram account listed at the top of the page.